7 Best Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight

So you want to lose weight? That’s fine. As fascinating as foods for weight loss sounds, no food will actually cause you to lose weight.

Now, before you run off, let me point out that it’s not the food that makes you lose weight, but the diet. Yes, you read that right.

As long as you eat the food that will be mentioned here in the right quantity, you will definitely be on your way to losing weight.

food to lose weight

Having said that, let’s her right off into 7 of these food that can make the process work for you.

Best Foods For Weight Loss

There are different classes of foods and in these classes, are actual foods for weight loss. Hence, for the purpose of this article, let’s start with fruits.

1. Mango

Mango is an amazing fruit consumed by a vast number of people. The thing with mango is, it contains phytochemicals. This phytochemical acts as natural fat busters and are found outside of the fruit.

Do you know that Mango is sold as a commercial weight loss supplement in the US? Oh yes, it is! Now, you will agree with that, that goes a lot way to explain how handy mango can be in your weight loss process.

2. Avocado

Avocado not only aids you in losing weight, it’s got high nutritional value. Avocado contains minerals, fiber and vitamins. They even contain more potassium than bananas.

This fruit is high in monounsaturated fatty acids which aids to shrink belly fat. Yes, you read that right.

To have avocado, you can either it as it is, to eat it alongside bread. Avocado can also be mixed with tomatoes which makes a great meal.

3. Apples

Apples being in this list is a no-brainer. The fruit is rich in important antioxidants, flavonoids and dietary fiber. Asides aiding weight loss, apples help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.

Now, this goes to show you cannot go wrong with having apples as a meal. Now, to avoid portray how apples can be handy for weight loss, the fruit contains pectin. Pectin is an ingredient that naturally slows digestion and encourages feelings of fullness. This helps you consume fewer overall calories.

4. Berries

Berries are also known as tiny but mighty. They are full of antioxidants and fibre. Of course, there are different types of berries but some of the most healthiest berries you can eat are;

  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Bilberries
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Cranberries
  • Goji berries
  • Acai berries

According to studies, the antioxidant, anthocyanin found in berries can alter gene activity in fat cells. This makes it harder to gain weight. Oh, there’s also the part where berries are low in calories. So yes, go ahead and enjoy as much as you want.

5. Bananas

Oh, my darling bananas. Bananas have got high fibre content. They are high source of potassium. And guess what? Contrary to popular belief, bananas contribute to weight loss, not weight gain.

This is as a result of the fact that Bananas contain Zinc. Zinc is necessary for skin healing, filling fibre, potassium etc.

Asides these, there are other fruits that can aid you with losing weight. These include watermelon, pears, plantain, grapefruit lemons and others.

Let’s go over to mention a few vegetables that can help with weight loss.

6. Cucumber

Cucumber is high in nutrients and low in calories. However, they are high in many important vitamins and minerals. It also contains antioxidants, promotes hydration and can aid in weight loss. Yes, that’s correct.

Having known this, go ahead and snack on as much cucumber as you want or simply add them to your salads.

7. Tomatoes

I like to think almost everyone at one point or the other, have eaten tomatoes. Tomatoes are handy for a wide range of meals including being eaten alongside eggs amongst others.

If you’ve always wondered why, well, asides being an essential addition to meals, they are full of antioxidants which can help you lose weight. Asides that, tomatoes are a major source for antioxidant lycopene which has a lot of health benefits including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

So yes, your consumption of tomatoes can be paying off without you knowing :D.

There are a lot of vegetables that can help you in your weight loss process. This includes;

  • Chilli Pepper
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Carrot
  • Potatoes
  • Yams and more.

Again, the secret with this is taking the right portion. Be conscious of your intake of food, especially those that add weight.

Asides means, there are other ways you can lose weight. Check around this platform for more because we’ve got these sort of informations for you. Questions? Do not hesitate to ask using the comment session.
