10 Confirmed Tricks To Be More Attractive To Girls As A Man

Are you wondering how to attract more girls to you? Do you want to make very little effort before you get that girl you so much desire?

Thing is, if you know what to do to be incredibly attractive to her as a guy, you wouldn’t do too much before you are able to get her to be yours. Rest assured!

The problem is, how do you scale up your attractiveness? How do you even go about this? What steps should you take? Which cologne should you use to make ladies swoon at the sight of you?

In this article, we will be looking at several tips for you to try so as to boost your attractiveness as a guy. Let’s have a look at them, shall we?

1. Grow a Beard

grow a beard to look more attractive to ladies

The fact is, beards increase the perceived attractiveness of a man. If you are a man, you can try to grow a beard and watch for the female folk’s reaction. Beards are often even perceived as men’s natural make up. How does that sound?

Many women find themselves subconsciously attracted to men with beards. It shows biologically that such a man will be very fertile and also signals maturity in a man. Therefore, many ladies and girls can’t help but think bearded men are attractive.

So as simple as this sounds, the quickest way for you to be more attractive as a man is to simply throw away the scissors, the razors, and grow a beard. It doesn’t have to be a full beard, you could grow a stubble too.

Stubbles are very attractive too. Yeah, sure, you couldn’t control or choose how you would look as a person when you were born to the world as a male, but you can control how attractive you are perceived. It’s all in your hands. Grow a beard.

2. Always groom well and appear clean

tricks to be more attractive to girls as a man
There is nothing more unattractive than a dirty and unkempt guy. Imagine that you as a guy meet a lady and she is so dirty looking. She looks like she hasn’t showered in months etc. What would you think of her?

This is the same way ladies assess your degree of attractiveness. Your perception to a lady automatically spikes up when she sees you as clean and a man who cares for himself well. Take your bath regularly, brush your teeth clean, trim your beard if you have one and oil it so that it looks neat and shiny, comb your hair, have trimmed nails, wear super clean clothes etc. Then sit back, and watch the ladies come!

3. Smell nice

Invest in some nice body spray or cologne. How you smell throughout the day will reflect if people will be drawn to you or the total opposite. The first rule with wearing scents is to not overkill it. Be moderate in your application of sprays and cologne.

You can try to use three pumps of cologne with three pumps of body spray. Also, use deodorant in your armpit so that when you are active and sweating throughout the day, the sweat in your armpit won’t give off a body odor. Smell cool!

4. Always dress well and classy

Pick out clothes that fit your body perfectly. Wearing cheap clothing that fits your body perfectly is better than an expensive cloth that fits loosely. Even when you are going out casually, not even for a big outing, you should still dress very well.

Also, your clothes should match the occasion which you are attending. When shopping for clothes, you might want to go with a friend that will give you an honest review of what looks good on you or not. Also always dress to highlight your features. We also have an article on how to dress classy as a man. We recommend you check that out for more insight.

5. Let your presence be attractive

Parts of making your presence attractive is having good body posture. While you sit, while you work, while you stand. You cannot afford to walk or stand in a reckless and careless posture. Apart from having good posture, you should also have a smiling presence. Practice your smile in front of a mirror. It should not look fake but genuine. Ladies are attracted to an attractive and positive presence in a guy. You really should embody these qualities.

6. Always maintain eye contact when communicating with a lady

Maintaining eye contact while having a conversation with a person gives the impression of super confidence which is insanely attractive especially to the ladies. Usually, when a person avoids making eye contact when conversing or always looks down, it gives the impression that the person is shy or perhaps lying. It’s just basic body language science! So, exude more confidence as a guy today by maintaining eye contact with your lady.

7. Show gentlemanliness

Chivalry is not dead contrary to the new popular opinions. Yes, be a gentleman. Open the door and let her go in first, pay for the date, give her your sweater, make her feel protected and cherished. Be a sweet gentleman! No matter what she tells you, most women love a perfect gentleman. And if you are trying to woo a lady, you got to charm her with that. Being a gentleman basically entails you figuring out the things she needs, and providing those things for her, if you can.

8. Be a good conversationalist

Nothing beats a good conversationalist honestly. Be interesting to talk to. You can be very interesting by reading several books and watching several movies and other ways to sap in knowledge about the world. You can impress her with how much you know. This increases the quality of the perception of your persona in her eyes thereby boosting your attractiveness to her. So, know a lot of information about the world, so that you can contribute to a quality conversation with her and she will be intrigued by how much you know.

9. Be a nice guy

Some people pass the adage that, “nice guys finish last.” This has been proven wrong repeatedly according to studies. Studies found that nice guys are actually the ones who get laid more rather than the “bad guy” kind of man. When a lady sees that despite your confidence, you can still do so many kind acts like giving to charity, helping people in need, showing empathy etc, she has more respect for you in her mind and more respect equals to more attraction.

10. Be funny

Everybody appreciates a good humour. You don’t have to be a full clown though. Just infuse a few sentences of humour into the conversation you are having with her. For every girl that you walk up to, that you would love to hook up with, within the first few minutes of conversing with her, you have to be able to make her laugh if you want to win her heart. This will make her like you instantly! Try it.


Having looked at the 10 tips extensively, we believe you should not be at a loss of what to do or what actions to take to start attracting the female folks now. And if there is a particular one of the female folks that you’re eyeing, you can improve the chances of her being attracted to you back, by taking some of the advice we dished out above and acting on them. Goodluck!
