7 Ways To Lose Belly Fat In Seven Days

How does losing belly fat in seven days sound? Unrealistic? Well guess what? It is possible!

It’s possible to lose belly fat in seven days. It just depends on how serious you take the process and amount of hard work you put into making it a reality.

Now, what may seem unrealistic is going from having a round bloated tummy to a flat one in seven days. Not to say it’s not doable, but it’s a bit unrealistic.

This is because, the process of losing belly fat takes time. It takes consistency and hard work. If you are just gonna do all that will be mentioned in this post sparingly and expect a flat tummy from a bloated one, you may want to consider facing reality.

lose belly fats in seven days

Again, I’m not saying it’s not doable, if you are gonna be putting in the work sparingly, daily, it’s gonna take more than 7 days.

If however, you are beginning to notice some belly fat and you want to lose those belly fats, it’s achievable in seven days and we’d like to share how on this post.

1. Add Aerobic Exercises In Your Daily Routine

There’s no faster way to burn belly fats than including aerobic exercises in your daily routine.

If you’ve been to YouTube searching for how to burn belly fat, you most likely must have stumbled on something like this before. As a matter of fact, there in, you’d find some recommenced exercises to help you lose belly fat fast.

Now, a quicker result will require more work. 20 mins of aerobic exercises a day may not do much. A better approach will be doing aerobic exercises a couple of times a day. 3 times a day for 7 days seems like a good number.

2. Reduce Intake Of Refined Carbs

While doing exercises helps faster, reducing intake of refined carbs also does a lot. Now, it’s safe to say this goes hand in hand with exercises.

Reason being, if you are exercise to reduce belly fat yet taking substances that causes belly fat, you won’t be doing much. Hence, a better approach is to reduce intake of refined carbs as well.

For example, rather than taking white bread and sodas, you could opt in for more of vegetables and whole grains.

3. Add Fatty Fish To Your Meals

Fatty fish are good for a lot of things including increasing hair growth in women. This is as a result of the fact that fatty fish such as sardines, salmon, tuna and the likes contain a high quality of protein and are rich in Omega-3 acid.

According to studies, omega-3 fats have the ability to reduce visceral fat which is around your abdomen. Hence, including fatty fish in your diet will do you more good.

4. Start Your Day With Intake Of High Protein

One of the causes of belly fat, is food. Not just food, but the kind of food. Proteins are foods you should consider eating more to help reduce belly fat.

Proteins increase your metabolic rate while retaining muscle mass during weight loss. As such, starting your day with intake of proteins like scrambled egg, porridge, Greek yogurt, fish, chicken, beans etc can help you feel full until much later in the day without the need for extras.

5. Drink A Lot Of Water

Have you read or heard somewhere that it is good to start your day by drinking water? You think it’s just a myth?

No, it isn’t. Asides aims to lose weight, staying hydrated is very important for your general health. It is often recommended that you drink about 4 to 5 liters of water each day. That may seem like a lot, but it’s what’s recommended and can help you burn calories.

It’s also recommended that you have a taste or water before meal. This is believed to help you reduce your appetite and intake of meals. Now, I know a lot of people don’t do this for fear of not being able to eat much, but that’s really the idea towards losing belly fat. To reduce belly fat, you should learn to eat loss while feeling filled.

As a rule of thumb, you should consider drinking warm water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach, if you can of course. This helps your digestive system.

6. Reduce Intake Of Salt

Do you know that too much intake of salt retains water and makes your belly feel bloated? Well, if you didn’t know, now you do. Or should I say, you are welcome!

Now, what does this mean? It means, if you want to reduce belly fat within seven days, consider reducing your intake of salt. Now, I don’t mean intake of the regular salt you have in your kitchen.

Salt is available in a lot of products. Hence, before making a purchase of a product(s), it may be worthwhile to look at the nutritional label to see how much salt it contains. Be on the look out for high sodium. Besides, processed foods tend to contain a lot of salt, added sugar and unhealthy fats.

7. Take More Of Soluble Fiber

As earlier mentioned, the idea of losing belly fat asides exercises, is to eat less while feeling full. Soluble fibers can help you achieve that.

Soluble fibers work in same pattern as proteins. The idea is to make you feel full for a few hours that way, you don’t need to feel the need to consume extra calories.

Soluble fibers tend to absorb water and form a gel that lowers fat absorption. Soluble fibers can be found in barley, bits, lentils, beans, seeds and the likes.

There you have it, guys! Those are 7 effective ways to lose belly fats within seven days. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask using the comment session.
