6 Best Ways To Say “I Love You” Without Actually Saying The Words

Have you listened to “More than words” by westlife? There in, it says “saying I love you is not the words I want to hear from you“.

The song is basically about showing love rather than just saying it. If you’ve been through a couple of break ups or heart breaks despite being told by your spouse “I love you” a lot of times, you wouldn’t believe those words as you used to anymore.

Besides, it’s often said that “Action speaks louder than voice“. For a lot of people, they prefer being shown to being told.

If you’d like to tell somehow you love him/her, especially one who’s been through a couple of heart breaks, you are better off doing more of actions than words.

Thankfully, there are a few ways to say I LOVE You to a person without actually saying the words and in this post, I will be letting you on some of them.

1. Call To Check Up Often

A song says; “don’t say you miss me when you don’t call”. While calling to check up on that person may not seem like a lot, it goes a long way in saying you care about them. Of course, calling to check up once in a while might not do so much. Reason being that, that’s kind of a norm. They probably have a couple of persons who calls to check up on them once in a while. You doing same wouldn’t make a difference.

So what can make the difference? “Often”. Yes, calling to check up OFTEN can make the difference.

Now, by often, I don’t mean trying to take them away from their usual schedules or calling while they are in an important meeting or invading their space. The key thing here is “Balance and time”.

Understand what their daily routine is like and make sure you don’t intrude with your incessant calls.

If you are gonna call in the morning, make it short. Simply asking how their night was and wishing them a wonderful day ahead is enough.

You can also call later in the evening to ask how their day went. Make it a habit for them to expect your call during a particular period or time and you’d be on the right track.

2. Send A Text In The Afternoon

Afternoons are busy times for a lot of persons. Especially those at work. What better way to make their day better than to put a smile on their face?

Calling in the afternoon is usually not advised. Except you are certain of how they feel about you and you are certain they wouldn’t have a problem with you calling. Rather than call to disrupt their day (when you aren’t sure), I’d rather advise sending a text.

The text doesn’t have to be major. A simple text message to put a smile on their face could do the trick.

3. Buy Them Gifts

Don’t let anyone deceive you. There’s no love without giving. God love the word and he gave his son. You can’t say you love a person and not give.

Giving doesn’t always have to be monetary. There are other ways to give. Regardless of whatever you think you are giving or can give, buying them gift is also considered necessary.

Of course, you don’t have to go overboard with this. If a particular gift isn’t within your means, go for something smaller. A lot of people appreciate the intent more than the actual gift.

Make it an habit to buy the person you love gifts. It goes a long way in saying “I love you” instead of saying the words.

4. Call To Hang Out

Nothing makes a person feel more special than you wanting to be seen with them. And what’s the best way to be seen with a person? By being out with them, correct? Good!

So, anything you know it’s convenient for that person, once in a while, propose you both hang out. This could be to the cinemas, parks or whatever place you find interest.

5. Flirt In Public

Now, I understand not a love of persons can do this. Especially if you are the shy type and really, that’s fine.

If you happen to be the shy type, you don’t have to go overboard by kissing in public and the likes. Simple gestures like holding of hands or putting your hands around their waist and the likes can go a long way in saying “I love you”.

A lot of persons in relationships these days find this to be awkward. Don’t join the rest of the park. If you truly care and love a person, don’t be shy to hold them in public. It makes them feel comfortable with you.

6. Don’t be scared to say “I miss you”

I miss you is different from “I love you”. However, it can be likened to the same thing depending on the relationship between you both.

Saying I miss you of course, comes with all that’s mentioned above. Especially calling to check up and sending a text. You don’t have to say “I miss you” every time. Say it only when you mean it. And rather than saying it sometimes, include it in the text messages sent in the afternoon. That can put a smile on their face.

Don’t be the guy/girl that says I miss you without making efforts to call, text or meet up. A lot of persons won’t believe you; myself inclusive.

Wrapping Up

It’s really not so hard to show “I love you” rather than saying it. Of course, at the end of it all, it’s important you still say the words “I love you”. That way, they are fully aware as some people are really slow in getting the memo. Other times, some people just want to be sure hence, it’s completely okay to say those words and reassure them of what you feel about them.

However, make sure the words go inline with your actions. As a matter of fact, Let your action do more. It will be awkward hearing you say I love you when we barely even talk on the phone.

Don’t be the guy/girl who says those words or just anyone or says them without meaning them. It hurts the other person and sends the note of you not being trusted with your words.
