4 Drinks You Should Avoid If You Want To Lose Weight

If you think just food is what’s making you add weight, think again. You will be surprised that some of the drinks you are used to drinking, could contribute to your weight gain.

This is not to say that adding weight is a bad thing, definitely not. But if you are looking to lose weight, there are a few things you should avoid.

Now, I’m not just talking food, I’m talking drinks as well.

If you want to lose weight fast, the best bet is going on fruit diet. And no, I’m not talking fruits processed into something else, but actual fruits. If you are not sure which fruits to take to aid you in losing weight, see this post as we extensively talked on a few of them.

drinks to avoid to lose weight

Having mentioned that, let’s focus on the main subject matter.

Drinks To Avoid If You Want To Lose Weight

1. Fruit Juice

Does this come as a surprise? I mean, you would think these sort of juice is made from actual fruit which we tend to advice for weight loss, right?

Isn’t it contradictory that we would recommend taking fruits yet, saying you should avoid fruit Juice?

Hold on, let’s explain that.

Fruit Juice as you probably know, undergoes some process to what you see it to be. These processes involves the fruit juice to contain about 36 grams of sugar per cup. This is also equal to what you’d get from blending 4 Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts.

It is also verified that most of the sweetness in juice comes from fructose. Fructose is a type of sugar associated with the development of Visceral adipose tissue. Now, guess what? That’s only a fancy name for belly fat.

Hence, rather than taking fruit Juice, you are better off taking the raw fruit. If you still want the fruit idea, but your blender or juice extractor to use.

To better convey this message, take a look at the table below:

As you can see from the table above, the juice contains almost double the calories in the fruit.

Again, as earlier mentioned, if you aim to lose fat, you are better off taking the raw fruit than the processed fruit juice.

2. Soft Drinks

Everybody takes soft drinks, yeah? I mean, can you count how many times you’ve had soft drinks this year alone? I bet you can’t.

Well, do you know that soft drinks have a lot of calories in it but have very little nutritional value? Forget the fancy adverts you see for your favorite soft drink. It’s really not what it’s painted to be.

If you can, avoid soft drinks. If you can’t, lower the intake.

3. Alcohol

This is a no-brainer. In fact, there’s a common belief that too much intake of beer, leads to belly fat. And yes, that’s actually correct.

Another interesting fact about beer/alcohol is that it adds no real benefit to your body because it’s full of empty calories. If for some reason, you can’t stay off drinking, a glass of wine a day seems appropriate.

4. Energy Drinks

Energy drinks often also have fancy ads. Yes, they tell you what you need to hear but wait, exactly what do they say it does for you?

An average energy drink contains 100 calories which are mostly sugar. And if you happen to be the type who doesn’t exactly exercise to burn calories, you are prone to weight gain.

I know there are a couple of sugar free energy drinks out there but guess what? These sort of drinks often contain artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweetness have been associated with weight gain and this is as a result of the fact that they cause your brain to crave junk food.

Now, there’s another shocker.

Research has shown that energy drinks often come with a bag of issues such as insomnia, headache, Ulcers, Muscle Twitching, Anxiety and a couple others.

So, what will it cost you to avoid taking energy drinks? Nothing, I believe?

There you have it, guys! These are 4 drinks you should avoid taking if you want to lose weight.

If for some reason, you can’t imagine yourself not taking them, at the very least, reduce your intake of any of these drinks. But the real question is, will it do you any harm if you abstain from them?

Water is always, always recommended. Hence, perhaps you should learn to drink more of water and less of processed drinks.
