5 Foods That Help Increase Hair Growth In Women

There’s a saying that goes thus: “The beauty of a woman lies in her hair“.

Have you ever heard of that before? If yes, do you believe in that?

Now, If you’ve ever wondered whether or not, food helps in supporting rapid hair growth, the answer is yes! Absolutely!

Food isn’t handy for the sake of survival alone, but for other necessities. For example, there are foods that help with losing weight.

Hence, if you’ve tried every means to rapidly increase your hair growth and nothing seem to be working effectively, it may be time to try food.

foods that support rapid hair growth

The thing, just as your body needs nutrients for a lot of things, so also does your hair need those nutrients.

More so, Asides food, age can be the reason why you are not getting the desired results from your hair. And while you cannot exactly control that, you can control your diet and this can go a long way in supporting the rapid growth of your hair.

So without further ado, let’s look at the foods that help support rapid hair growth in women.

Foods that support rapid hair growth for women are:

  • Eggs
  • Fatty Fish
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Avocados
  • Berries

Having mentioned those, let’s go a little deeper into these foods. Shall we?

1. Eggs

Eggs can be handy for a lot of things including hair growth. This is as a result of the nutrients packed in eggs. Eggs contain protein and eggs are also rich in zinc, selenium and other healthy nutrients that can be handy for the growth of your hair.

As you probably already know, lack of substantial protein can lead to a lot of things including severe hair loss. Hence, eat all the eggs you can. Just be sure you are not overdoing it.

2. Fatty Fish

Fish is another food that contains protein. Not just protein, fish also contains Omega 3 fatty acid which has been recommended for hair growth. It also contains vitamins and minerals. All of these nutrients help boast hair growth.

According to research, regular in-take or fish helps promote and sustain the growth of hair in women.

3. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potato is another food that contains essential vitamins and nutrients handy for hair growth. If you aim to have thick and long shiny hair, you should possibly consider including sweet potatoes in your diet as it helps stimulate rapid hair growth.

Basically, sweet potato helps hair growth and also tend to help in the process of preventing other hair follicles from relapsing.

4. Avocados

Avocados being in this list really shouldn’t come as a surprise. This is as a result of the fact that it has been proven that avocados contains a lot of healthy nutrients and vitamins.

These vitamins and nutrients not only help hair growth, but are also handy for beauty situations. Avocado is rich in fatty amino acids that coat your hair shaft and helps it retain moisture. Asides that, the food contains antioxidants that help prevents hair damages.

Avocados are also rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E not only keep your hair long, but helps in maintaining it.

5. Berries

The last but not the least on this list, are berries. If you haven’t been including berries in your meals before now, you really should consider doing so.

Berries are known to pack antioxidants which helps replenish the lost nutrients in your body and hair. It also protects the texture of your hair and reduces the risk of having lice or dandruff. There are handy vitamins in berries and you really should consider including it in your meals.

There you have it, guys! If you love your hair and aim to take care of it properly through food, the foods mentioned above should help in rapidly growing and maintaining your hair.
