Top 7 Foods On The Planet That Helps You Lose Weight

You know, not every food on the planet leads to weight gain. There are actually a number of foods that tend to help with weight loss.

Prior to this time, we talked on a few and we’d like to go into more details here.

Asides food, exercising is an healthy way and perhaps a rather quick way to lose weight. But if exercising isn’t your jam, there are foods you can begin eating more often to help you through the process.

foods to help you lose weight

In this post, we will be looking at the top 10. Of course there are a lot more, we will be doing 10 here.

1. Whole Eggs

Eggs is often believed to contain a high volume of cholesterol. However, eggs are really healthy and can help reduce weight.

This is as a result of the fact that eggs are high in protein and fat hence, they tend to make you feel full fast. That way, you tend not to consume more meals thus leading to help you stay in shapes.

Of course, the idea is to eat a complete egg including the yolk. The yolk should actually be the major area of concentration as it contains all the nutrients you need on a calorie-restricted diet.

2. Leafy Greens

Before now, we mentioned vegetables help lose weight and that still stands. Leafy Greens include Kale, collards, Swiss chards, spinach and a few others.

Asides being low in calories and carbohydrates loaded with fiber, leafy greens have all the properties that makes up a weight loss diet.

Asides that, there’s also the part where Leafy Greens are incredibly nutritious and high in many vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. There’s also the presence of calcium which aids fat burning.

3. Lean Beef and Chicken Breasts

Meat is a high protein source. And of course, one of the ways to reduce weight is by consuming more of proteins.

Though processed meat is unhealthy, studies have shown that unprocessed red meat does not raise any risk of heart disease or diabetes. Emphasis should be on unprocessed meat and not processed ones.

The idea is, with the increase in the intake of meat which is high in protein, you tend to feel full faster and not feel the need to perch on snacks and late night meals.

4. Boiled Potatoes

Boiled potatoes also referred to as white potatoes can help reduce weight gain. Not only is it handy for weight loss, it can help with optimal health.

This is as a result of the fact that boiled potatoes contain a diverse range of nutrients. Pretty much everything you need. Potatoes are also high in potassium which plays an important role in blood pressure control.

The idea is to boil potatoes, allow it to cool off for a while before consuming. Reason for this is, while it cools off, it form high amount of resistant starch which will naturally make you feel full and eat less of other foods.

5. Beans and Legumes

A lot of persons do not like beans. And for the most part, this is as a result of the fact that it makes their tummy feel some kinda way.

If however, you are into beans or you feel indifferent about beans, you are in luck. Reason being that, some beans and legumes can be beneficial for weight loss. The kinda beans and legumes we are making reference to includes lentils, black beans, kidney beans and a few others.

These sort of foods are high in protein and fiber which contains nutrients that make you feel full. There is also the presence of resistant starch in them.

6. Soups

Soups are great! Yes, you read that right. Some meals tend to contain low energy density which makes people eat fewer calories and soups happen to be one of them.

Point is, most foods that contain low energy density are those that contains lots of water, such as vegetables and fruits. With such combination, including water of course, you can make a soup out of it.

According to studies, eating the exact same food turned into soup rather than solid food, makes people feel more satisfied which in turn, makes them consume fewer calories. Just make sure you don’t add too much fat to your soup such as cream or coconut milk.

7. Avocados

Over time, we’ve talked a few times on avocados. Therein, we made reference to how beneficial avocados are to losing weight and yes, that still stands.

I mean, while most fruits are high in carbs, avocados contained a wide quantity of healthy fats. They are also high in monounsaturated oleic acid which is same type of fat found in olive oil.

Avocados also contain many important nutrients including fiber and potassium which not only helps with digestion, but also help with losing weight.

There you have it, guys! Those are 7 of the best foods you can consume today without the fear of adding weight. Of course, do bare in mind that the idea is to have these foods in moderate quantity and not too much quantity as this can lead to weight gain and not loss.
