6 Tips On How To Get Over A BreakUp FAST and Live A Healthy Life

No matter what people say, breakups can be damaging. Especially if you’ve put a lot into the relationship with the hopes of it leading somewhere.

While a couple of people know how to deal with break ups and they move on fast, a lot of other people don’t. And really, it’s okay to be that kind of person. After all, we are not all wired the same way.

However, for the sake of your sanity as a breakup could affect you especially if you keep dwelling in it, it’s best you do everything you can to get over the relationship and live healthy.

In this article, we will be sharing with you a few tips on how to get over a breakup fast. This is aimed at helping you get out of feeling bad for a failed relationship and also helping you move on as fast as possible.

how to get over a break up fast

So without further ado, here are a few working ways to get over a breakup fast and live a healthy life.

1. Engage In Exercises

You haven’t been involved in physical exercises before? Well, now could be a good time to start.

The idea is to get busy and one of the ways to do that, is to engage in exercises. Precisely the moment you start your day and when you are about ending it.

Exercises have a way of making you feel better. It has a way of making you more effective through the day and also helping you sleep well at night. You can go ahead and confirm this. Asides from helping you get over a breakup, exercises are great for your body. It helps to keep you in shape which in turns helps you lose weight. Really, you cannot go wrong with engaging in exercises.

2. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Comfort zones are very good at one thing; keeping you in the zone. Generally, there’s really not much you can do from a comfort zone. And as such, it doesn’t help if you just break up with your spouse.

Hence, get out of your comfort zone. Go out, see faces and try to appreciate other humans.

3. Talk To Someone

Have you ever heard the saying; “A problem shared is a problem half solved”. I like to think we all have someone we talk to that makes us feel better. And no, I’m not talking about who are or was in a relationship with. For some, it could be their mum or dad. For others, it could be their friends, relatives, etc.

Point is, try to discover that person with whom you often feel better after talking to them. If you discover who that person is, let him or her in into what had happened. I understand you want to get over the break up fast and one of the ways to do that, is to talk to someone about it.

4. Hang Out With The Girls/Guys

Another way to get over a breakup fast is to hang out with your friends. You’ve probably been too caught up in the relationship that you’ve forgotten what it feels like to hang out with your friends. And really, that’s fine. Now could be a good time for a reunion.

Now, the intent is to actually hang out and have fun, not to just “hang out”. For this to be effective, hang out with folks who are interesting to be with. Hanging out with people who wouldn’t make you feel better won’t help you. You want to be able to have fun with your friends while with them thus giving you little or no time to think about what had happened to your relationship.

5. Develop A New Hobby

There’s something hobbies does to us and that’s focus. If you are happy doing something, you have better chances at being focused on that thing than another. Hence, a very good way to also get over a break up is to develop a new hobby.

We aren’t saying you should get over the old one(s) you’ve got already. But, developing a new hobby makes the experience more challenging and as such, stresses you to be more focused on trying to get it done thus making you think less about other things including the relationship you just got out of.

6. Think Of Their Worse

Okay, this is weird but, it’s my secret recipe. Trust me, it works all the time. Now, what does this mean?

Well, you know no one is perfect, right? Good! Now, one of the secret to learning how to love a person is to focus on their good sides. Did you know that before now? If you didn’t, you are welcome 😀

If the secret to learning how to love a person is focusing on their good sides, what’s the secret to learning how to NOT love a person? Focusing on their bad sides, right? Great! And knowing that no one is perfect, everyone’s got a flaw or a bad side, no matter how amazing they are. Simply choosing to think of his/her worse as against the good goes a long way in getting over him or her. Give it a shot. You can thank me later 🙂


Break ups in this time and age are bound to happen. These days, relationships are hard to keep than it is to get in. The sooner you know and accept this, the quicker it is for you to get over a break up. If you need to talk to someone, we are here for you. You can talk to us using the comment session or sending us a message via the contact form, anytime.
