How To Lose Weight FAST? These Tips Work Like Magic!

Have you been trying to lose all those excess fat but you are too scared to give up on all those meals that you so much enjoy? The hard part of trying to lose weight is dealing with hunger that comes from not eating the food that you would love to eat.

It is also usually very hard to stick to a weight loss plan without getting demotivated or giving up along the way. Luckily, there are tested and trusted tips and tricks that you can try to start losing weight fast.

In this article, we will give you an exposé into the best habits to inculcate into your life for you to lose all those fats.

tips to lose weight fast

Let’s have a look at them shall we?

These Tips Will Help You Lose Weight FAST!

1. Make sure you cut down on your sugar intake

Junk foods and snacks like doughnuts, cakes, ice cream, soda, white bread and so on, have high sugar content. These kind of food can have severe effect on your weight loss/gain plan. Many people have testified to the power of cutting down on added sugar in your food. Sugar is usually hidden in many foods that it could be very hard to keep track of how much sugar you are taking in.

Continue Reading: 7 Best Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight

When taking your tea or coffee, try to avoid putting sugar in it. When baking, use healthier forms of sweeteners. Avoid eating too many junk foods because most of them have been sweetened with lots of sugar.

2. Reduce your meat intake

Researchers have found that the more meat you eat, the more weight you gain. It has been observed that vegetarians and vegans have lower weight than those who eat meat. Most of the vegetarian and vegan diets focus on plant foods and exclude meat from poultry, cattle etc.

Giving up on eating meat will not only reduce your weight by helping you lose pounds of fat, it will also help in saving the environment as well. Cutting down on meat also helps to lower your body cholesterol levels which is healthy for your heart.

From the research scientists conducted on the effects of stopping meat intake, it was found that most people will definitely lose weight if they stopped their meat intake. So, try going down the vegan and vegetarian path if you can.

3. Plan your meals ahead of time

You know that feeling you get when you are very hungry after work and you can’t even think to start cooking, so you just rush to grab a quick junk food? This is a very unhealthy habit! By planning your meals ahead of time, you don’t have to take an emergency decision of eating junk foods just to fill up your stomach.

These emergency junk foods are just not advisable if you are looking at losing weight. Meal prepping aka meal planning is something you have to take very seriously if you want to lose considerable amount fats and weight. Try making a meal timetable and sticking to the plan.

4. Eat some avocados everyday

Adding an avocado or two to your lunch will help tremendously in your weight loss process. It turns out that avocados contain healthy fats which burn at a faster rate than other regular types of fats. Just get some avocado, slice it open and sprinkle some salt in it, take a spoon and eat. Avocados also help to reduce your desire to eat after a meal. As a matter of fact, you should check out our post on Top foods that help you lose weight. We recommend you check that post out as well.

So after your lunch, eat some avocados to beat unnecessary food longings and cravings. This will be good for you in the long run. Also, avocados will help to increase the rate at which fats are burnt in your body, which is good for weight loss.

5. Stop drinking alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol is the single best way to spoil all your weight loss progress and efforts. Alcohol has negative effects on the weight loss process. As a person who is looking to lose weight, you are advised to stay away from it. Alcohol stops your body from burning fats rather, your body is too busy burning the calories from the alcohol you have drunk.

Consider Reading: 4 Drinks You Should Avoid If You Want To Lose Weight

Studies have found that the best way to make your weight loss process quicker is to step away from drinking alcohol. If you are going to drink alcohol, make sure you take it in moderation and eat a healthy diet as well.

6. Sleep more hours

When you don’t get enough sleep, you could be gaining excess weight. One would have thought that the more you are awake and doing something, the more fats you are burning right? But this is not the case at all. Why is this? Research has found out that not getting up to four hours of sleep over a 14-day period caused dieters to not lose as much weight as they used to lose on the same dieting plan.

The dieters were reported to feel very hungry and less satisfied after eating. This means that the food cravings increased and fat loss dropped significantly. In other words, get some more sleep.. Relax!

7. Add more of proteins, fats and low-carb vegetables to your diet

Adding proteins especially to your breakfast, helps a lot with weight loss. People on diet rich in proteins were able to keep their muscles while also losing fats and weight. The best way to make proteins work for you is to add them to your breakfast.

Many people can testify to the amazing power of packing more proteins on your plate and they are very correct. Also it helps you to feel more satisfied after eating. You are able to maintain healthy body energy levels and all these will help you desist from reaching out to pick junk foods and eat out of impulse. Plant-based proteins like nuts, lentils, black beans are good sources of proteins. Eggs also do wonders as well. So scoop up more proteins today.

8. Try to eat your food more slowly

When you eat your food slowly, it means you are chewing your food slowly as well. This will indirectly help with weight loss because you will be reducing your caloric intake. A study found that people with overweight problems tend to chew food less (that is they eat fast and swallow fast), than people that eat more deliberately and slowly.

This is something you can try on yourself and watch for changes over two weeks. Many people have tried it and they claimed that it worked. So start today by slowing down your speed of chewing and eating.


Above we listed and explained generously how these eight tips we gave will help you on your weight loss journey. Many of these tips if you do them devotedly, will start to give you results in less than two weeks. So, map out a plan today and start!

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