10 Guaranteed Steps To Help You Stay Fit ALWAYS

Staying fit always is something everyone wants but not everyone is living a lifestyle that will help them stay fit. It is not easy maintaining a healthy lifestyle but consistency is all that really matters.

If you’d like to stay fit for whatever reason including being more attractive to the opposite sex, below are a number of tips to live by that will help you to keep fit always.

1. Get a good sleep everyday

get good sleep

The importance and advantages of good sleep cannot be overemphasized. It is really important and beneficial to get at least 6-7 hours of good night sleep in a day. This is the moment your body recovers from all of the activities and stress. In order to stay fit always you must make getting a good sleep an habit.

2. Watch your diet

watch your diet to stay healthy

Watch your diet, it is very important to do this. Be sure to get a lot of protein, it will give you the energy you need and help maintain your muscles. You should also maximize other nutrients, If you don’t want to build up body fats you’ll have to eat less calories but the calories you’re eating should be jam packed with nutrients.

That means, eat foods with low fat and calorie contents, but with high portion of nutrients. You can get this from fish, white beans, apples, citrus fruit, broccoli, oatmeal. While doing this you should make sure you take properly portioned meals.

Your meals portion shouldn’t be too much and it shouldn’t be too small either. Maintain a balance and keep track of your calorie intake.

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3. Make Sure You Exercise Everyday

exercise daily to stay healthy

Make sure you have an hour of exercise daily. Whether it is jogging, walking or workouts, anyone of them will do you so much good! While doing these, be sure to eat foods rich in protein and stay hydrated. It is equally important to choose efficient exercises. Squats, burpees and plank are few of the good choices of exercises you can make.

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4. Reduce stress

reduce stress to stay healthy

To always stay fit, you need to reduce the amount of stress you go through daily. Too much stress can cause a breakdown, you should also learn and stick to some stress relieving habits. Jogging, soccer, yoga and rest. They help relieve stress and make you feel good.

5. Watch what your food contain

watch what your food contains to stay healthy

You need to be cautious of what you eat. Avoid sugar, it is bad for your body fitness and your overall health. Eat more of fruits and always choose healthy food over junks and sweets, reduce simple carbs and trans fat. Trans fat – Mostly found in margarine, frozen and fried foods, packaged baked foods, Carbs – Mostly found in white flour made products like pasta, crackers, bread and products high in sugar such as soda, pastries, sugar etc.

6. Drink water

drink lots of water for clear skin

It is important that you drink a lot of water to keep you hydrated. Mental and physical fatigue can arise due to not drinking enough water. It is important to drink enough water through the day to keep your body in a very good shape. The regular rule is that you are taking enough water if your urine comes out pale.

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7. Know the right time to eat

know the right time to eat to stay healthy

When should you eat? Well it is not like you will be given the exact time to eat but there are certain times that eating is bad for your health and fitness.

Eating very late at night is one of the things you should avoid. You should not sleep feeling too full or with an empty stomach. You should not eat a bulky food anything after 8pm but of course you can take fruits or a little snacks if you feel like taking something.

8. Walk More

walk more to stay healthy

Walking helps you to stay in shape. It is a beneficial exercise that makes you stay healthy and feel energetic. Walk the park, walk short distance instead of driving or riding, take walk meetings and any other way. Just make sure you get a good measure of walk daily.

It is also very good to take the stairs, jog a little or just do something on the move. Sitting for too long is not a good thing for your health so after few hours of sitting you can just take a walk, stand, jog or do some other things for about 15-30 mins before going back to sit.

9. Make your health a priority

make health your priority

There is no way you can achieve fitness without being healthy. Good health is inevitable for physical fitness so for you to stay fit always, you have to make your health a priority. Ways by which you can make your health a priority are:

  • Always eat homemade food: As stated earlier watching what you eat is very important for your health. Making your own food gives you control of what you want and what you don’t want rather than a restaurant where you have to buy what is served to everyone. If you are making your own food you can decide to use less salt and less of other ingredients. This way you’ll be able to keep track of your food intake perfectly.
  • Get enough sleep: As we earlier stated, 7-9 hours of sleep daily is good for your physical and mental health. It is extremely important because lack of good sleep can cause long-term health problems.
  • See a doctor at least once a year: It is important to do this at least once in a year. Those with health condition visit their doctor more frequently. Get checked up, get advice and get a good counseling about their health.
  • Maintaining a healthy work-rest balance: There must be a time for you to have your rest. working all through the day everytime can cause a breakdown and serious health problems, be sure to reduce stress and have a time to cool off.

10. Be consistent

be consistent in staying healthy

At the end of the day, consistency is what really matters. One day exercise and five days off will yield no result, and doing all of these without being consistent and making it a daily lifestyle will only be a waste of time.

For you to alway stay fit you have to repeat the process everyday, only then will you see positive results.
