Growing a beard takes time, patience and even lots of effort for some. While it comes quick and easy for some guys, it’s not the same story for others.
It is said that your genetic profile is what determines how fast and how full your beards will grow. That is, if most men from your family have full beards then you are more likely to have the same. There is a little you can do to control when your beard comes in, how thick it is, it’s color or it’s texture as these factors are tied to your DNA.
However, if you are finding it hard to grow a beard or you want it to grow faster, there are some things you can potentially do to speed up the growing process. These include some changes to your habits, to the type of food you eat, lifestyle and exercise, taking some supplements etc.. all these can help your beard grow faster.
Now, talking about habits, there are some things you need to make your habits and some that you need to stop to help and fasten your beard growing process.
Besides, in our recent post where we talked on a few confirmed ways to be attractive to ladies as a guy, we mentioned growing a beard. Having said that, let’s begin. Shall we?
1. You should be patient and let your facial hair grow
Though you can take measures to assist the process, you should accept that your beard will grow in its own way and its own pace. The claim that trimming and shaving your beard makes it grow faster has no scientific proof or evidence. So, once you decide to start growing a beard, be patient and just let it grow.
2. Wash your face at least twice daily to unlock hair follicles
Make this an habit as it helps to remove dirt and oil from your hair follicles making it easier for them to grow. You can also use a gentle face cleanser or a mild shampoo to wash your face then rinse away with water and dry your face.
Another thing you should do is massage your face twice daily to stimulate your hair follicles. Massage your beard growing area gently with your fingertips for few minutes. This helps to stimulate your hair follicles and can result in a faster growth.
3. You should not pick your beard
Picking your beard can affect the growth, disfigure or make your beard patchy. It is a bad habit that does more harm than good to your beard. Use beard oil or softener for your growing beard. They keep your beard hair soft and hydrated hence encouraging a faster growth.
4. Embracing a beard-friendly lifestyle, exercises and diet
You should make an habit if you really want to support your beard growing process and make it grow faster. The relationship between beard health and body health is a close one so basically having a well balanced diet will give your beard a much better chance of rapid growth. Here are some suggestions on what you should eat more;
- Eggs: Eggs are rich in protein and they are a natural source of biotin which is well known to strengthen hair and well recommended as a supplement for beard growth.
- Potatoes: Contains Beta-carotene that will help the cell growth in your beard.
- Nuts: Nuts are a great source of biotin.
- Oysters: Contains zinc, an important mineral for hair building cells. Oysters also a good source of protein.
- Vegetables, fruits, proteins and water.
- Vitamins: A number of vitamins supports healthy hair and healthy body. Vitamin B is particularly beneficial and effective in making your beard grow faster. Nuts are rich in vitamin B7, Vitamin B3 and B5 are also found in Chicken, fish and beef. Vitamin A, C, and E are also beneficial to your beard health and body health. Vitamin A can be found in Broccoli, carrots and leafy greens. Tomatoes, citrus and green peppers are great sources of Vitamin C while vitamin E can also be found in nuts, vegetable oils, corn and soya beans.
Basically an overall balanced diet will support your beard health and help it grow faster.
What about exercises?
Now, here are some exercises and lifestyles that will help you in growing your beard faster. To naturally boost your testosterone, you’ll need a good sleep. 7-9 hours of sleep daily will do you good job and help boost your testosterone. The more testosterone you create, the more likely it is your beard will grow.
For exercises, focus more on resistance training and workouts. these has been confirmed to stimulate testosterone production which increases DHT level which will consequently increase your chances of beard growth. You should also reduce stress to increase your chances of rapid beard growth.
5. Use supplements
You can talk to your doctor about using supplements like Minoxidil for example. But make sure you get medical recommendations before use. Seek medical advice concerning your testosterone and DHT levels and medical recommendations on how to manage it.
All the suggestions above should help and make your beard grow faster. The most important thing as said earlier is your genetic profile and if most men in your family have beards, there’s a good chance you’d have same.
If otherwise then your chances of growing a full beard is lower, however trying out he suggestions above will increase your chances of having.
About the age factor, it varies from people to people. Some get to grow it as quick as 15 years while some start growing in their early twenties. Some people as well start growing beards in their late twenties and even thirties. Hence it is important to exercise patience while maintaining a beard-friendly lifestyle and making use of the suggestions from this article.
If you’re having issues with your beard, like itchy beards, dandruff, patches, split ends and beard loss, most of these comes down to how well you take care of your beards and the products you use. An itchy beard will eventually stop completely after a while. One of the things that helps to keep your facial hair in good shape is beard oil. It helps to condition your hair and gives your beard a healthier, softer and a less dry skin.
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